Is there a woman, fundamental to the arts in L.A., whom you'd like to recognize?  Please write her name here, perhaps with a Luna Bar-style tribute, and we will sing her praises on July 11.
Toni DeVito
6/10/2012 04:59:00 pm

Hi Caroline, This is such a wonderful event you are creating! I am going to forward it to Charlotte Innes, who, while not a singer, may find the networking useful. --I nominate poet Cecilia Woloch as an LA artist who nurtures, supports, teaches and inspires others. Best, Toni (in Beijing)

6/11/2012 01:23:29 am

Dear Toni,

So happy to hear from you! Thank you for forwarding the link. I am often in contact with Charlotte and will follow up.

A resounding yes to Cecilia Woloch! Thank you for her name.

I look forward to our staying in touch.

My best, Caroline

Elizabeth Ackerman
6/13/2012 04:32:48 am

Caroline, This is such a wonderful event you are organizing! I nominate Lauri G. of Lauri's List. Long before she charged for it, she was connecting singers and creating community--we are so lucky to have her. (and YOU!)

6/13/2012 05:39:50 am

Brilliant, my friend. Lauri's a go!


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    Caroline McKenzie

    I sing with Los Angeles Master Chorale (my day job).  I own and operate Par Excellence Tutoring Service. 


    July 2012
    June 2012

